last two years
ABITAlab 's teaching and training activities aim at directly transferring the advancements of frontier research (theoretical and applicative) to academic training, with university courses and Higher Education with the proposals of seminar cycles, dissemination in national and international conferences and promotion and / or attendance at Schools and Specialization Masters. An important space for academic transfer are the experiences with reference to the Degree in Architecture courses, which take place with the activation of Laboratories and Thesis Ateliers. The themes of the " ecological and digital transition " assume in these processes the ability to transfer knowledge and competence to respond to the technical-scientific and professional demand that entrusts the figure of the architect with renewed roles for the sustainable culture of the project, in the transformation of built environment, in an era of radical change and innovation challenges.
An important space for transfer and third mission is shared with the activities carried out with local and national Bodies, Associations and Schools, in collaboration with Pensando Meridiano.
Academic courses
Atelier di Tesi 2024 “CLIMATE+CARBON NEUTRALITY per la città e l'architettura. Progettare per la transizione ecologica e digitale”
Docenti Resp. Scientifici :Prof.ssa C.Nava, Prof.M.Milardi, Prof.ssa A. Sarlo; Prof.V.Morabito, Prof.ssa F.Giglio, Prof.R.Morabito
Collaboratori: Arch. RTdA S. Cascone, Arch. RTdA G. Mangano, Arch. PhD. D. Lucanto (ABITAlab), Arch. Ph.D. student F. Armocida, Arch. Ph.D. M.T. Mandaglio, Ing. RTdA F. Genovese
Scheda: Presentazione dell'atelier [clicca qui]
Tipologia: atelier di tesi, laboratori, workshop, percorsi di approfondimento, finalizzati all'elaborazione della tesi di laurea
Destinatari: studenti V anno, CdL Architettura LM-4 c.u., Dipartimento Architettura e Territorio - dArTe, Università "Mediterranea" di Reggio Calabria
Periodo: novembre-giugno 2024 (a.a. 2023/2024)
Corso "Agenda 2030 e Criteri Ambientali Minimi per la Sostenibilità e l'Innovazione del progetto"
Docente: Prof. Arch. RTdA G. Mangano
Scheda: Presentazione del corso [clicca qui]
Tipologia: corso universitario semestrale
Destinatari: studenti IV e V anno, CdL Architettura LM-4 c.u., Dipartimento Architettura e Territorio - dArTe, Università "Mediterranea" di Reggio Calabria
Periodo: I semestre (a.a. 2023/2024)
Atelier di Tesi 2023 “CLIMATE+CARBON NEUTRALITY per la città e l'architettura. Progettare per la transizione ecologica e digitale”
Docenti Resp. scientifici: Prof.ssa C.Nava, Prof. M.Milardi, Prof.ssa A. Sarlo
Collaboratori: Arch. RtdA G. Mangano , Arch. Ing. RtdA S. Cascone, Arch. PhD student A. Leuzzo, Arch. PhD student. D. Lucanto, Arch. Ing. PhD student Z. Javanmard (ABITAlab), Arch. RTdA. F. Genovese, Arch. RTdA M.Azzalin
Scheda: Presentazione dell'atelier [clicca qui]
Tipologia: atelier di tesi, laboratori, workshop, percorsi di approfondimento, finalizzati all'elaborazione della tesi di laurea
Destinatari: studenti V anno, CdL Architettura LM-4 c.u., Dipartimento Architettura e Territorio - dArTe, Università "Mediterranea" di Reggio Calabria
Periodo: febbraio-giugno 2023 (a.a. 2022/2023)
Thesis Workshop “ Architecture of the Transition on Climate Change scenarios. Advanced design and enabling technologies for hybrid buildings "
Responsible : Prof. Consuelo Nava
Collaborators : Arch. RtdA G. Mangano, Arch. Ing. RtdA S. Cascone, Arch. PhD student A. Leuzzo, Arch. PhD student. D. Lucanto, Arch. Ing. PhD student Z. Javanmard
Details : Presentation of the atelier [ click here ] - Calendar of activities [ click here ]
Typology : thesis atelier - laboratories - workshops - in-depth courses, aimed at the elaboration of the degree thesis
Recipients : 5th year students, Degree in Architecture LM-4 cu, Department of Architecture and Territory - dArTe, "Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria
Period: February-June 2022 (ay 2021/2022)
References: FB page of the course [click here]
Corso "Agenda 2030 per la Sostenibilità e l'Innovazione del progetto"
Docente: Prof. Arch. RTdA G. Mangano
Scheda: Presentazione del corso [clicca qui]
Tipologia: corso universitario semestrale
Destinatari: studenti IV e V anno, CdL Architettura LM-4 c.u., Dipartimento Architettura e Territorio - dArTe, Università "Mediterranea" di Reggio Calabria
Periodo: I semestre (a.a. 2022/2023)
Thesis Workshop “ Architecture of the Transition on Climate Change scenarios. Advanced design and enabling technologies for hybrid buildings "
Responsible : Prof. Consuelo Nava
Collaborators : Arch. RtdA G. Mangano, Arch. Ing. RtdA S. Cascone, Arch. PhD student A. Leuzzo, Arch. PhD student. D. Lucanto, Arch. Ing. PhD student Z. Javanmard
Details : Presentation of the atelier [ click here ] - Calendar of activities [ click here ]
Typology : thesis atelier - laboratories - workshops - in-depth courses, aimed at the elaboration of the degree thesis
Recipients : 5th year students, Degree in Architecture LM-4 cu, Department of Architecture and Territory - dArTe, "Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria
Period: February-June 2022 (ay 2021/2022)
References: FB page of the course [click here]
SID-Sustainable Innovation Design
Responsible : Prof. Consuelo Nava
Collaborators : Arch. RtdA G. Mangano, Arch. Ing. RtdA S. Cascone, Arch. PhD student A. Leuzzo, Arch. PhD student. D. Lucanto, Arch. Ing. PhD student Z. Javanmard
Card : Presentation of the course [click here]
Typology : university course
Recipients : 4th and 5th year students, Degree in Architecture LM-4 cu, Department of Architecture and Territory - dArTe, "Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria
Period: six editions (ay 2016/2017, ay 2017/2018, ay 2018/2019, ay 2019/2020, ay 2020/2021, ay 2021/2022)
FB page of the course [click here]
CTP - Technological Design Culture
Responsible : Prof. Consuelo Nava
Collaborators : Arch. RtdA G. Mangano, Arch. PhD student A. Leuzzo, Arch. PhD student. D. Lucanto
Card : Presentation of the course [click here]
Typology : university course
Recipients : 3rd year students, Degree in Architecture LM-4 cu, Department of Architecture and Territory - dArTe, "Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria
Period: October 2021-February 2022 (ay 2021/2022)
Photos of the final exhibition "Exploratory paths. From detail drawing to component prototype" - February 9, 2022 [ click here ]
Thesis workshop "Fragile territories: environment, risk and climate change - Agile buildings in circular and resilient cities"
Responsible : Prof. Consuelo Nava , Prof. Martino Milardi
Collaborators : Arch. PhD G. Mangano, Arch. PhD student A. Leuzzo, Arch. PhD student. D. Lucanto,
Factsheet : Video presentation of the atelier [click here]
Typology : thesis atelier - laboratories - workshops - in-depth courses, aimed at the elaboration of the degree thesis
Recipients : 5th year students, Degree in Architecture LM-4 cu, Department of Architecture and Territory - dArTe, "Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria
Period: February-June 2020 (ay 2019/2020)
FB page of the course [click here]
Research Seminars / Conferences and Higher Education
Ciclo di Seminari "Architettura Bioclimatica per gli edifici sostenibili"
Resp. scientifica e docente: Prof.ssa Consuelo Nava
Tipologia: Ciclo di Seminari per crediti F
Destinatari: studenti III, IV e V anno dArTe LM-4 Architettura
Periodo: 22, 23, 29, 30 novembre, 5, 6 dicembre 2023
Riferimenti: Locandina/programma [clicca qui]
Computational Design, Lectures, Laboratory, Workshop
Periodo: 5 maggio – 1 giugno 2023
Direttore Masterclass: Prof.ssa Consuelo Nava
Comitato Scientifico: Consuelo Nava, Chiara Rizzi, Marina Mistretta, Valerio Morabito, Giuseppe Mangano, Domenico Lucanto, Stefano Cascone, Emanuele Naboni, Piero Pelizzaro, Riccardo Hopps, Ilario Tassone
Staff Operativo: Arch. RTdA Giuseppe Mangano (coordinamento), Arch. Ph.D. Domenico Lucanto, Arch. Ing. RTdA Stefano Cascone, Arch. Andrea Procopio; Stagisti tutors: Eliana Catalano, Federico Filice, Daniela Laganà
Segreteria dArTe: Dott.ssa Anna Maria Belvedere, Dott.ssa Anna Di Stefano
Maggiori informazioni: Pagina dedicata [clicca qui]
Ciclo di Seminari "Nature Based Solutions (NbS) and Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS)"
Resp. scientifica: Prof.ssa Consuelo Nava
Coordinatori: Arch. RTdA G.Mangano
Tipologia: Ciclo di Seminari per crediti F
Destinatari: studenti Atelier di Tesi “Architettura della Transizione su scenari di Cambiamenti Climatici. Design avanzato e tecnologie abilitanti per edifici ibridi”, studenti CdL Architettura LM-4 c.u., Dipartimento Architettura e Territorio - dArTe - a.a. 2022/2023
Periodo: cinque incontri (15 ore)
Riferimenti: Locandina/programma [clicca qui]
Ciclo di Seminari "Design Avanzato e Tecnologie Digitali per la Transizione Ecologica e la Sostenibilità"
Resp. scientifica: Prof.ssa Consuelo Nava
Coordinatori: Arch. RTdA G.Mangano, Arch. Ing. RTdA S.Cascone, Arch. PhD Alessia Leuzzo, Arch. PhD student Domenico Lucanto
Tipologia: Ciclo di Seminari per crediti F - 3 moduli: Additive Manufacturing for Prototyping (a cura di D.Lucanto e A.Leuzzo) - La Modellazione Informativa in BIM: Revit Architecture (a cura di S.Cascone) - I Criteri Ambientali Minimi e loro applicazione (a cura di G.Mangano)
Destinatari: studenti III, IV e V anno dArTe LM-4 Architettura e III anno CdL L4 Design (PAU) - studenti Atelier di Tesi 2022-2023 (resp. scientifici C.Nava e M.Milardi)
Periodo: 3 moduli da 15 ore ciascuno (45 ore totali) - dal 9 novembre al 14 dicembre 2022.
Riferimenti: Locandina/programma [clicca qui]
TRL_Lab Experience. Climate neutrality and zero carbon: Process Mapping-Prototyping-Regenerative Design
Resp. scientifica: Prof.ssa Consuelo Nava
Tipologia: workshop progettuale
Destinatari: tesisti Atelier di Tesi e “Architettura della Transizione su scenari di Cambiamenti Climatici. Design avanzato e tecnologie abilitanti per edifici ibridi", CdL Architettura LM-4 c.u., Dipartimento Architettura e Territorio - dArTe
Periodo: 04/28 luglio 2022
Riferimenti: Locandina/programma [clicca qui]
Workshop URGES - Urban Green Shapes
Riferimenti: POR FESR 2014-2020 REGIONE BASILICATA - LINEA A – asse 4 - Riqualifcazione degli edifici/ Efficienza Energetica (green e digitale). Partners: Università degli Studi della Basilicata – Dipartimento delle Culture Europee del Mediterraneo (DiCEM) con Agenzia Lucana di Sviluppo ed Innovazione in Agricoltura (ALSIA), Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Projectos Arquitectonicos, University of Ljubljana_ Faculty of Architecture, Università degli Studi Chieti Pescara – Dipartimento di Architettura, Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria – Dipartimento di Architettura e Territorio, Team ABITAlab: Prof.ssa C. Nava (Responsabile scientifica per la sede di Reggio Calabria), componenti: Arch. G.Mangano (RTdA), Arch. Ing. S.Cascone (RTdA), PMopenlab srls
Resp. scientifica: Prof.ssa Consuelo Nava
Tipologia: workshop progettuale
Destinatari: studenti Atelier di Tesi e “Architettura della Transizione su scenari di Cambiamenti Climatici. Design avanzato e tecnologie abilitanti per edifici ibridi” e SID, CdL Architettura LM-4 c.u., Dipartimento Architettura e Territorio - dArTe
Periodo: 09-13 maggio 2022
Riferimenti: Locandina/programma [clicca qui]
Ciclo di Seminari "ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING 4 PROTOTYPING. Stampa 3D e tecnologie arduino per la fabbricazione di prototipi di componenti tecnologici progettati con tools parametrici"
Resp. scientifica: Prof.ssa Consuelo Nava
Coordinatori: Arch. PhD student Domenico Lucanto, Arch. Andrea Procopio (PMopenlab), Arch. PhD Alessia Leuzzo
Tipologia: Ciclo di Seminari per crediti F
Destinatari: studenti Corso SID 2021-2022, studenti Atelier di Tesi “Architettura della Transizione su scenari di Cambiamenti Climatici. Design avanzato e tecnologie abilitanti per edifici ibridi”, studenti CdL Architettura LM-4 c.u., Dipartimento Architettura e Territorio - dArTe
Periodo: quattro giorni (35 ore) - a.a. 2021/2022
Riferimenti: Locandina/programma [clicca qui]
Report elaborati degli studenti [clicca qui]
Cycle of Seminars "The regenerative project for zero-impact buildings towards climate neutrality. Energy-environmental assessment protocols, digital tools and technologies [SDGs, NbS + SUDS, Leed + CAM]"
Responsible : Arch. RtdA G. Mangano, Arch. Ing. RtdA S. Cascone
Scientific manager : Prof. Consuelo Nava
Factsheet : Presentation of the cycle of seminars [click here]
Typology : Cycle of Seminars for F credits
Target audience: SID 2021-2022 Course students, Thesis Atelier students “Architecture of the Transition on Climate Change scenarios. Advanced design and enabling technologies for hybrid buildings ", students of Architecture Degree LM-4 cu, Department of Architecture and Territory - dArTe, PhD students XXXVII cycle of Arch," Mediterranea "University of Reggio Calabria
Period: three weeks (February-March) - ay 2021/2022
References: Poster
Cycle of Seminars "The regenerative project for zero-impact buildings towards climate neutrality. Energy-environmental assessment protocols, digital tools and technologies [SDGs, NbS + SUDS, Leed + CAM]"
Responsible : Arch. RtdA G. Mangano, Arch. Ing. RtdA S. Cascone
Scientific manager : Prof. Consuelo Nava
Factsheet : Presentation of the cycle of seminars [click here]
Typology : Cycle of Seminars for F credits
Target audience: SID 2021-2022 Course students, Thesis Atelier students “Architecture of the Transition on Climate Change scenarios. Advanced design and enabling technologies for hybrid buildings ", students of Architecture Degree LM-4 cu, Department of Architecture and Territory - dArTe, PhD students XXXVII cycle of Arch," Mediterranea "University of Reggio Calabria
Period: three weeks (February-March) - ay 2021/2022
References: Poster
Assisted Design Workshop Design Experimentation
Architecture Competition "Sleeping pods on a cliff_Portogallo"
Responsible : Arch. PhD Alessia Leuzzo, Arch. PhD Domenico Lucanto, Arch. PhD. Giuseppe Mangano
Scientific manager : Prof. Consuelo Nava
Factsheet : Presentation of the workshop [click here]
Type : Design workshop
Recipients : Students of the SID course ay 2020/2021
Period: three weeks (February-March) 2021
References: Contest web page [click here]
Sustainable Advanced Design II Workshop
Scientific manager : Prof. Consuelo Nava
Collaborators : Arch. PhD Alessia Leuzzo, Arch. PhD Domenico Lucanto, Arch. PhD. Giuseppe Mangano, startup PMopenlab srls, Ass. Pensando Meridiano
Factsheet : Presentation of the workshop [click here]
Type : Design workshop
Recipients : Atelie students of Thesis "Fragile territories: environment, risk and climate change - Agile buildings in circular and resilient cities" (resp. Prof. C. Nava, M. Milardi) - Degree in Architecture LM-4 cu, Department of Architecture and Territory - dArTe
Period: April / June - ay 2019/2020
Third Mission and Transfer / Orientation
PCTO Green School "The challenge of the Agenda2030 for goal 4" - Transversal Skills and Orientation Paths promoted with the RC Metro Citizens in Transition project
Scientific manager : Prof. Consuelo Nava
Period : January-May 2021 (I Edition); February-May 2022 (II Edition)
Promoters : dArTe-Department of Architecture and Territory, ABITAlab dArTe, PMopenlab srls (II edition, as 20/21)
dArTe-Department of Architecture and Territory, ABITAlab dArTe, PMopenlab srls, Ass. Pensando Meridiano (1st edition, as 20/21)
Collaborators: [ I Edition] Arch. PhD. G.Mangano, Arch. PhD A.Leuzzo, Arch. PhD D. Lucanto, Arch. PhD. student P. Bova, Arch. A. Procopio (PMopenlab); [II Edition] Arch. PhD. G.Mangano, Arch. PhD A.Leuzzo, Arch. PhD D. Lucanto, Arch. Ing. S.Cascone, Arch. Ing. PhD student Z. Javanmard, Arch. PhD. student P. Bova, Arch. A. Procopio (PMopenlab)
Card : Program and poster II Edition [ click here ] - Program and poster I Edition [click here]
Typology : Lectures, seminars, co-design workshops
Recipients : students of the Higher Education Institutes of the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria
[I Edition] ISS "A. Righi", Reggio Calabria_N ° 17 VA students, N ° 16 VB students - ISS "E. Fermi" of Bagnara Calabra_N ° 20 students class IV A - Liceo Scientifico Statale "A. Volta" _N ° 17 students class IV Bsa - n ° 20 students class IV F - ISS "F.Severi" of Gioia Tauro_n ° 15 students class V and n ° 16 students of class IV (Construction Environment and territory - former surveyors course)
[II Edition] ISS "A. Righi", Reggio Calabria_IV A and IV B (40 students in total) - State Scientific High School "A. Volta" _IV F and IV G (47 students in total)
References: RC Metro Citizens in Transition Educational Ecosystem [ click here ] - Video & Media [ click here ]
Open Seminars "Knowledge vs Climate Change"
Scientific manager : Prof. Consuelo Nava
Collaborators : Arch. PhD Alessia Leuzzo, Arch. PhD Domenico Lucanto, Arch. PhD. Giuseppe Mangano, startup PMopenlab srls, Ass. Pensando Meridiano, team project "Knowledge vs Climate Change"
Factsheet : Presentation of the seminars [click here]
Typology : Cycle of transfer seminars on the topics
Recipients : Thesis Atelier students "Fragile territories: environment, risk and climate change - Agile buildings in circular and resilient cities" (resp. Prof. C. Nava, M. Milardi) - Course SID 2019-2020, university students of the Architecture Degree LM-4 cu, Department of Architecture and Territory - dArTe, students of the PAU department, associates ass. Thinking Meridian
Period: February / May 2020
References: Seminar and media info [click here]