Studies, Research and Experiments on the Sustainability and Innovation of the Project

Aracne Editrice
The series aims to build a physical space for the dissemination and dissemination of scientific research , studies and experiences of excellence , conducted through processes of knowledge transfer and specializations in the indicated sector of sustainability and innovation according to the most contemporary meanings at national level. and international, by a network of scholars, designers and employees. Promote the circulation and flow of information of all those who work on research with a high content and innovation value, transferring it from the world of academic production and research centers and innovative hubs, to society, to the entrepreneurial productive sectors, to public bodies and private individuals and promoting change and advancement in the fields of experimental development (plans, projects, programs, strategies) and industrial research (process and product innovation, prototyping, pilot cases). The notebooks will be able to report on studies, research and actions relating to the "prototyping" of processes, projects, products in the territorial and landscape (red series) , architectural and city (green series) , innovative technologies and design (blue series ) ) , these experimental areas will become the topics of the series, to which each experience can refer.
The aim of the series is to position replicable cases of transfer between scientific research and the production, development and innovation sectors , illustrating methodologies, tools, prototype-experience products that have reported success and recognition for the results achieved. Through the production and circulation of notebooks, provide tools that can be consulted by an interested public and for the dissemination of the experiences carried out (seminar proceedings, research reporting, innovation processes, prototypes, research for public and private bodies, doctoral research and of specialization, etc). Proposals for the publication of issues of the series can come from authors from the academic, extra-academic and research and innovation sectors in general.
Maurizio Carta , Alberto De Capua , Raffaella Fagnoni , Roberto Giordano , Rosario Giuffrè , Maria Federica Ottone , Moses Ricci , Chiara Rizzi , Alberto Ulysses
Director: Giuseppe Mangano - Members: Alessia Leuzzo, PMopenlab (graphic editing)
| Open call
Pubblicare un numero monografico, che può essere autoriale o curatela, prevede la sottomissione della proposta su call aperta (open call) alla direzione della collana. Dalla ricezione della proposta si attiva la timeline di produzione del numero. Sarà possibile su richiesta avere anche la “peer review” di esperti indicati dal comitato scientifico. Si prevede la pubblicazione di 2-4 quaderni all’anno.
To send the proposal write to: quadernisid@gmail.com
| Volumes published
Title: Knowledge vs Climate Change. Co-design and enabling technologies in climate change scenarios - vol. 3
Edited by: Giuseppe Mangano
Presentation: Consuelo Nava
Period: September 2021
Abstract: The volume disseminates the results of the experience conducted in the period Oct. 2019-dec. 2020 with the project "Knowledge Vs Climate Change - Communities in transition for the southern suburbs of Reggio Calabria", promoted by the Ass. Thinking Meridiano in partnership with the ABITAlab Center of the Architecture and Territory Department of the “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria and the Ass. Reboot and winner of the call "No Planet B - Fight Climate Change 2nd ed." di punto.Sud with Foundation with the South and co-financed with the EU initiative “There isn't a Planet B!” - CSO-LA / 2017 / 388-137. The project has adopted capacity building tactics to transfer knowledge and strengthen the skills of young people on research topics, such as technologies for urban sustainability, resilience, circular economy and actions for adaptation to climate change for communities settled in the southern suburbs in Reggio Calabria, with particular reference to SDGs 11 and 13 of Agenda2030. Urban design and laboratory experimentation addresses the contemporary debate on the ability of cities to involve citizens in regenerative processes, with scenarios projected towards the 1930s and 1950s. The strategic themes of the 2030 Agenda and the new design and operational methodologies, conducted with the proposals of "co-design", in terms of "impact design", were addressed with theoretical and applicative contributions, through the contribution of both training and planning paths of frontier research. The eruption of the COVID 19 pandemic, during the activities, made it possible to redesign some modalities of the project and also the thematic boundaries of the research, looking at the relationship between climate change, air quality and state of the environment in relation to particular scenarios of socio-environmental change.
Title: Knowledge vs Climate Change. Co-design and enabling technologies in climate change scenarios - vol. 3
Edited by: Giuseppe Mangano
Presentation: Consuelo Nava
Period: September 2021
Abstract: The volume disseminates the results of the experience conducted in the period Oct. 2019-dec. 2020 with the project "Knowledge Vs Climate Change - Communities in transition for the southern suburbs of Reggio Calabria", promoted by the Ass. Thinking Meridiano in partnership with the ABITAlab Center of the Architecture and Territory Department of the “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria and the Ass. Reboot and winner of the call "No Planet B - Fight Climate Change 2nd ed." di punto.Sud with Foundation with the South and co-financed with the EU initiative “There isn't a Planet B!” - CSO-LA / 2017 / 388-137. The project has adopted capacity building tactics to transfer knowledge and strengthen the skills of young people on research topics, such as technologies for urban sustainability, resilience, circular economy and actions for adaptation to climate change for communities settled in the southern suburbs in Reggio Calabria, with particular reference to SDGs 11 and 13 of Agenda2030. Urban design and laboratory experimentation addresses the contemporary debate on the ability of cities to involve citizens in regenerative processes, with scenarios projected towards the 1930s and 1950s. The strategic themes of the 2030 Agenda and the new design and operational methodologies, conducted with the proposals of "co-design", in terms of "impact design", were addressed with theoretical and applicative contributions, through the contribution of both training and planning paths of frontier research. The eruption of the COVID 19 pandemic, during the activities, made it possible to redesign some modalities of the project and also the thematic boundaries of the research, looking at the relationship between climate change, air quality and state of the environment in relation to particular scenarios of socio-environmental change.
Title: Knowledge vs Climate Change. Co-design and enabling technologies in climate change scenarios - vol. 3
Edited by: Giuseppe Mangano
Presentation: Consuelo Nava
Period: September 2021
Abstract: The volume disseminates the results of the experience conducted in the period Oct. 2019-dec. 2020 with the project "Knowledge Vs Climate Change - Communities in transition for the southern suburbs of Reggio Calabria", promoted by the Ass. Thinking Meridiano in partnership with the ABITAlab Center of the Architecture and Territory Department of the “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria and the Ass. Reboot and winner of the call "No Planet B - Fight Climate Change 2nd ed." di punto.Sud with Foundation with the South and co-financed with the EU initiative “There isn't a Planet B!” - CSO-LA / 2017 / 388-137. The project has adopted capacity building tactics to transfer knowledge and strengthen the skills of young people on research topics, such as technologies for urban sustainability, resilience, circular economy and actions for adaptation to climate change for communities settled in the southern suburbs in Reggio Calabria, with particular reference to SDGs 11 and 13 of Agenda2030. Urban design and laboratory experimentation addresses the contemporary debate on the ability of cities to involve citizens in regenerative processes, with scenarios projected towards the 1930s and 1950s. The strategic themes of the 2030 Agenda and the new design and operational methodologies, conducted with the proposals of "co-design", in terms of "impact design", were addressed with theoretical and applicative contributions, through the contribution of both training and planning paths of frontier research. The eruption of the COVID 19 pandemic, during the activities, made it possible to redesign some modalities of the project and also the thematic boundaries of the research, looking at the relationship between climate change, air quality and state of the environment in relation to particular scenarios of socio-environmental change.
Title: Knowledge vs Climate Change. Co-design and enabling technologies in climate change scenarios - vol. 3
Edited by: Giuseppe Mangano
Presentation: Consuelo Nava
Period: September 2021
Abstract: The volume disseminates the results of the experience conducted in the period Oct. 2019-dec. 2020 with the project "Knowledge Vs Climate Change - Communities in transition for the southern suburbs of Reggio Calabria", promoted by the Ass. Thinking Meridiano in partnership with the ABITAlab Center of the Architecture and Territory Department of the “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria and the Ass. Reboot and winner of the call "No Planet B - Fight Climate Change 2nd ed." di punto.Sud with Foundation with the South and co-financed with the EU initiative “There isn't a Planet B!” - CSO-LA / 2017 / 388-137. The project has adopted capacity building tactics to transfer knowledge and strengthen the skills of young people on research topics, such as technologies for urban sustainability, resilience, circular economy and actions for adaptation to climate change for communities settled in the southern suburbs in Reggio Calabria, with particular reference to SDGs 11 and 13 of Agenda2030. Urban design and laboratory experimentation addresses the contemporary debate on the ability of cities to involve citizens in regenerative processes, with scenarios projected towards the 1930s and 1950s. The strategic themes of the 2030 Agenda and the new design and operational methodologies, conducted with the proposals of "co-design", in terms of "impact design", were addressed with theoretical and applicative contributions, through the contribution of both training and planning paths of frontier research. The eruption of the COVID 19 pandemic, during the activities, made it possible to redesign some modalities of the project and also the thematic boundaries of the research, looking at the relationship between climate change, air quality and state of the environment in relation to particular scenarios of socio-environmental change.
Title: Soft architecture. Contemporary life between new spaces and technologies - vol. 2
Edited by: Dajla Riera
Presentation: Maria Federica Ottone
Period: February 2021
Abstract: What are the planning strategies to be adopted in a period of important social-climatic-political changes? Is the built environment capable of adapting to the continuous (increasingly unpredictable) changes in society while continuing to meet the needs of contemporary living? What actions do we architects / researchers, working in the field of architecture and construction, have to take to propose an advancement of the architectural discipline? The volume is intended as a support tool to answer these questions. The term "soft" describes a process that starts from the quality of the materials, evokes new character traits, defines social strategies and systemic thinking models. It intends to trigger a new transdisciplinary and multi-scalar design approach, suitable for facing contemporary urban complexities and their continuous transformations.
Title: “Off-Shore” and “Off-Site” Design Driven Innovation. “S2 Home” research project, from concept to prototype - vol. 1
Edited by: Consuelo Nava
Preface: Antonino De Masi, Adolfo Santini
Period: February 2021
Abstract: The volume is the result of the research experience conducted on commission by De Masi Industrie Meccaniche by a team of professionals from the academic world, research centers, the professional sector and innovative startups. Studies and experiments to produce «a housing module with double seismic and environmental safety», with reference to the specializations of «intelligent factory, environment and energy» and «enabling and digital technologies for advanced manufacturing». A model engineered and subjected to testing and pre-prototyping in its components through the manufacturing phases in the laboratory and factory. A housing module capable of settling, in energy landscape scenarios, through the operation of smart grids for self-sufficient districts in climate-sensitive contexts with green, fast and off-site construction activities. The production of a "machine-made house" with high quality living that goes beyond the emergency demand and pushes the aggregation of urban and extra-urban models "in transition". The research path, in the transfer from experimental to industrial development from its concept phase to that of prototype / MVP, was verified according to the TRL Horizon 2020 method, overcoming all levels of industrial validation of its technical-scientific results.